Active Farmers 8 Week Challenge

Meet Casey Ryan!  This Super Woman is a wife to Farmer, Mick and Mum to Elsie and Charlie.  She is also a Chartered Accountant and volunteers her time on the Active Farmers Board.

Casey has recently signed up for the Active Farmers 8 Week Challenge in Illabo/Eurongilly NSW! Read on for a Q&A with Casey about why she signed up for the challenge.

Q1. What motivated you to join the Active Farmers 8 Week Challenge?  I signed up to he challenge as I saw it as a good opportunity to reset after letting a few bad habits sneak in over winter.

Q2. What goal(s) have you set yourself for the end of the challenge? My goal is to improve my overall health and get back on track. 

Q3. Were you an Active Farmer prior to joining the challenge?  If yes, how long for?  Yes, I joined Active Farmers when it started in my community of Illabo in August 2018 and have been attending regularly every since.

Q4. What impact has Active Farmers had on your life and on your community? Active Farmers brought exercise back into my life……I have never been a massive fan of going to the gym, but I love going to Active Farmer classes.  We (very luckily) have a social community and many of our social gatherings involve catching up over a few drinks. Active Farmers provides an additional way for us to come together that has a positive impact on improving our health.  

Q5. Women today do an amazing job juggling family, career and life. How do you take care of you, and prioritise your own health and wellness so you can continue to do amazing things?  I am a big fan of having a routine (from Monday to Friday at least).  I like to be organised and always find I eat better if I have taken the time to meal plan at the start of the week. My week consists of Active Farmers classes, spin class and making sure I get up from my desk to go for a walk at lunch time. Remembering to slow down every now again is also an important way to prioritise self care.

Thank you Casey!  

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Ali Lane