Active Farmers....Advancing Australia

Active Farmers featured in the Advancing Australia documentary in April 2021!

We are extremely fortunate to be included amongst the most amazing bunch of people and organisations doing incredible things to make Australia a better place! Suicide rates increase with the remoteness of the community. Active Farmers is a program for farmers to improve physical and mental health, through exercise and interaction.

 "I care about the people who make up our farming communities, those who are facing these challenges out of our control, and I want to make it a better place for them to live." (Ginny Stevens, Active Farmers Founder & CEO)

Growing up in a farm in Tasmania, Ginny was always passionate about farming and staying active. When Ginny heard about the levels of depression in rural communities, she decided to develop a program for farmers to improve their physical and mental health. Now, Active Farmers has over 45 locations,33 qualified personal trainers, over 200 classes a month and over 1500 participants.

CLICK HERE to view the documentary that aired 24 April 2021

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